Case Study: Client Seeks Help When Others Start Noticing His Hair Loss

Wesley’s* hair loss was quite advanced by the time he contacted Ashley and Martin for help.  Online, on television, on the radio; the advertising was everywhere he looked. Unsure exactly how long he had been losing hair, the 38-year-old had not given it much attention until it was pointed out to him by his barber. The effects of his accelerated hair loss had gradually become more apparent and now he was aware that other people were noticing his hair loss, Wesley had gone looking for a hair loss clinic online.

The consultant he met with performed a scalp examination and diagnosed him with Male Pattern Hair Loss, level III vertex.  This loss had taken place over the past three to five years and was following the normal pattern of excessive thinning from the frontal area back to his crown.  Already stressed from work, the hair loss that had been passed down to him from his grandfather was weighing on him further.  The consultant explained how the stress he was under could exacerbate the effects of his genetic hair loss and presented him with a treatment option that was simple, easy and stress free.

The RealGROWTH® medical hair loss treatment program that the consultant recommended could be managed entirely in the comfort of his own home.  The multi-faceted approach would target the process causing Wesley’s loss, address the visible effects and support new, healthy growth.  To remove the stress of finding time to travel to the clinic, an in-home laser therapy device would be added to his treatment program.

Confident in the results he was seeing and not needing to attend the clinic for treatment, it was eight months before Wesley booked an appointment for his first Ashley and Martin Review.  And the comparison photos spoke for themselves.  Although his hair had not completely returned to its former state, the regrowth astounded him.  Thicker, healthier hair regrowth was evident from his frontal hair line back to his crown and he was no longer concerned about other people seeing and commenting on his hair loss.



*name changed to protect privacy

14 Aug 2019 0