Case Study: Client Was Convinced Nothing Could be Done Until Ashley and Martin Proves Him Wrong

Initially hesitant to seek treatment, Jake* had been convinced there was nothing that could be done about his hair loss. Advertising for Ashley and Martin’s medical hair loss treatment seemed to be everywhere he looked; online, on television, even on the radio. And although the idea of treating his hair had been getting more prominent over the past year, he had been so sceptical of hair loss treatments that he had not so much as tried a remedy from the chemist.

The vast amount of hair that had been lost from his frontal hair line through to his crown in just four years was troubling Jake greatly. It was having a devastating effect on how he saw himself and so, despite his reservations, the 28-year-old reached out to contact Ashley and Martin online.

Examining Jake’s receding frontal hair line and the excessive thinning from frontal area to the crown, the consultant diagnosed him with male pattern baldness, Norwood level III vertex. Jake told his consultant he was concerned about spending money for a treatment that may not be able to offer results. After laying out the process of medical hair regrowth treatment, the consultant offered Jake a money back guarantee to assuage his concerns. He was sure that there was value to Jake undergoing treatment, however he completely understood Jake’s apprehension.

With more to gain than to lose, Jake decided to try the RealGROWTH® medical hair regrowth treatment.

Four months into his home-based treatment plan, Jake returned to the clinic to assess his progress. Together with his consultant, Jake looked at photos taken at his first appointment compared to ones taken that day. The difference was astounding. The recession in his temporal region had reduced, his hair was thicker across his crown, and the overall density had improved greatly. Words could not express how glad Jake was that he had overcome his nervousness and trusted his consultant.





*name changed to protect privacy

06 May 2019 0