The number of men in Jacob’s* family who were experiencing their own hair loss was enough that when it happened to Jacob in his early-twenties, it came as no surprise. Just in his immediate family alone, his father and both grandfathers were balding. Now 25-years-old, Jacob had tried using an over the counter shampoo and conditioner formulated for thinning to treat his hair. Sadly, he felt it had turned out to be nothing but a waste of money.
Watching the NRL, Jacob had seen a great many ads for Ashley and Martin during the breaks. With nothing to lose but more money on ineffective treatments, Jacob contacted Ashley and Martin through the online contact form.
To treat Jacob’s Norwood IV male pattern hair loss, the consultant discussed the use of prescription medications supported by herbal supplements and laser therapy treatments. As the young man had lost a lot of density over the past five years, the consultant cautioned that while he expected to see new growth quite quickly, Jacob would likely see steady improvements for up to twelve months. Understanding that he was buying medicine not instant miracles, Jacob signed up for treatment.
Four months into treatment, Jacob was pleased to see so much new growth. Using photos taken at each milestone appointment made it easy for Jacob to decide for himself how well his treatment was working. And it was certainly working, there was no denying that. Despite the fact regrowing hair was expected to be a longer process than four months for Jacob, he could clearly see the dramatic improvement in the density of his hair. If this is what sixteen weeks of medical hair regrowth treatment had done for him, he couldn’t wait to see the changes his next Ashley and Martin Review would reveal.
*name changed to protect privacy