Case Study: Evidence Based Treatments Found at Ashley and Martin

Thomas was in the early stages of hair loss when he approached Ashley and Martin for help. Twenty-nine and finishing up his degree at University, Thomas was a man who valued science over hype and empty promises. In the two years he had been considering treatment, Thomas had not used any of the over the counter hair loss remedies available at the pharmacy. A medical clinic with evidence based treatment interventions who worked closely with medical practitioners was exactly what Thomas was looking for when deciding who to trust with his treatment.

Although only in the early stages of hair loss, Thomas’ level III vertex loss had taken eight years to develop. His hair was thin, dry and receding in the temporal region. His consultant conducted a scalp examination and, together with the background family and medical history that was taken, diagnosed him with androgenic alopecia.

After Thomas’ consultant explained the way each aspect of the recommended treatment would work to stop his excessive shedding, Thomas was happy with the science behind the treatment. He was also happy that his treatment would be overseen by the clinic doctor.

Thomas was diligent in adhering to his at-home treatment routine. The routine itself was surprisingly quick and easy to carry out. First, Thomas’s hair stopped falling out at its previously excessive rate. Then gradually, and with time, his hair became thicker. The hair he had lost in his temples returned and Thomas had his full head of hair back. He could hardly believe how well the treatment had worked.

At his first Ashley and Martin Progress Review Thomas told his consultant how happy he was with the difference the treatment had made. When the two men had first met, Thomas had been concerned by the affect his hair was having on his appearance. Now, however, it was a different story. His faith in medicine had given him back the confidence in his appearance he had been longing for.


*name changed to protect privacy

25 Jun 2018 0