Category: Case Study

Case Study: Client Seeks Help When Others Start Noticing His Hair Loss

Wesley’s* hair loss was quite advanced by the time he contacted Ashley and Martin for help.  Online, on television, on the radio; the advertising was everywhere he looked. Unsure exactly how long he had been losing hair, the 38-year-old had not given it much attention until it was pointed out to him by his barber. The effects of his accelerated...
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August 14th, 2019

Case Study: Tears of Sadness Turn to Tears of Joy As Client’s Hair Regrows

Olivia* looked at her Ashley and Martin consultant and burst into tears. The changes to her hair had destroyed her self-esteem, leaving her confidence in ruins. Navigating the well-meaning comments from workmates asking her if she was undergoing chemotherapy because of the state of her hair was more than she could take. She was already under stress at work, adding...
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July 22nd, 2019

Case Study: Client Feels Ashley and Martin’s Expert Reputation Well Earned

Looking at the difference between the photos taken that day and the ones taken four months previously, Aaron* was ecstatic. When he had first come to Ashley and Martin for help, his hair was sparsely populated, there was a deep recession in his temporal region, and he had a sizable balding patch on his crown. Looking at these new photos...
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June 17th, 2019

Case Study: Curious Client Finds There Really IS a Solution to Hair Loss

As soon as Mike* noticed his hair begin to thin, he started to think about how to stop it happening. For eighteen months Mike had looked in the mirror and wondered if there was a hair loss solution that actually worked. Having heard about Ashley and Martin on television, he went online to find out more. Satisfied that Ashley and...
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May 27th, 2019